Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Weed Delivery Vancouver Becomes Easy

Weed delivery is a relatively new type of service that has quickly grown in popularity all across the world. Naturally, it’s only available in countries where cannabis products are entirely legal. Lucky for all of us, Canada has completely legalized marijuana, and this means there are a lot of weed delivery Vancouver providers.

But a lot of people still don’t know about this fantastic option. If you haven’t tried it yet and would like to give it a go, there are a couple of things you should know. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t try it and enjoy your favorite strains.

Here’s what you should know.


In this modern world, we order everything. From pizza to groceries, everything is at our disposal. So why shouldn’t we be able to buy weed the same way? This is what weed delivery services are all about.

Online deliveries have greatly improved the shopping experience for everyone, including marijuana consumers. There is no need to go across town to your nearest dispensary to buy your favorite buds.

Instead, you can just find a reliable website, order online, and wait for your goods to be delivered to your home. It’s a super convenient way of buying products with a single click.


Lots of people use marijuana for medical reasons. They’re either wholly immobilized or suffer from chronic pain that prevents them from moving around comfortably. This means that they can’t walk to the dispensary and buy their weed.

If you are in this kind of situation, there’s no need to put yourself in these painful situations are ask someone else to go out and buy your marijuana products.

Marijuana delivery services let you rest at home, order whatever medication you need without walking, getting into your car, and commuting across town. If leaving your home is an issue for you for any reason, weed delivery services let you overcome this obstacle.


Going out to buy weed at a local dispensary can be unpleasant for a variety of reasons. Some people are shy, others are anxious, and some simply want to keep their privacy, and they have the complete right to do so.

Since you’re not even leaving your home when ordering delivery online, you don’t have to worry about your privacy. You do everything from the comfort of your home without anyone seeing you walk into a weed dispensary. There’s no need to get stressed and get out of the weed store as quickly as possible.

At the same time, weed delivery providers also come with unmarked vehicles. You can even ask them to bring a package that looks like something else. This way, none of your neighbors will know what you are actually getting


People get busy often and forget to re-stash or refill their prescription weed. We all have a lot going on in our lives, and sometimes we simply wander off somewhere. With weed delivery, this will never happen to you.

Dispensaries have limited work hours, and when you remember late, you won’t be able to make your order. With delivery, you can order online at any hour and ensure that you will get your refill the next day.

On top of that, lots of vendors offer subscription offers. This means that you can arrange for your weed to be delivered on specific days during the month. It’s a single deal you can make and not have to worry about running out of your favorite buds.


Yes, weed delivery services are a bit more expensive in general than going to a dispensary. However, some stores offer delivery free of charge. At the same time, if you get a subscription box and become a loyal customer, you will get discounted prices.

This means that you can save up a lot of money while enjoying complete convenience. On the other hand, weed delivery means that you won’t have to get into your car and drive around spending gas to buy your strain of choice.

If you consider gas costs, it becomes apparent just how frugal this option is. In the end, many delivery services don’t have physical stores meaning that their costs are lower. This allows them to give affordable prices to their customers.


This type of delivery is growing fast in popularity. And why shouldn’t it? It only comes with benefits, and there are no downsides. You can choose from hundreds of different types of weed, check their quality, and get it at a lower price while staying at home.

Try it out as soon as possible, and you won’t regret it. But before your order, make sure that you’ve found a trusted brand.

Can CBD Make Sex Better? Here’s What the Experts Say

Can CBD really improve your sex life?

Sex changed for Heather Huff-Bogart when she had her IUD removed. The once fun, pleasurable experience now left her “curled over in pain with cramps.” Eager to find a solution to the problem, she decided to try a personal lubricant infused with cannabidiol (CBD) about six months ago, and noticed immediate improvements.

“It helped reduce the pain and inflammation I have during intercourse. My husband noticed that I don’t complain as much about pain, and it’s been beneficial for both of us,” says Huff-Bogart.

While relatively new to the mainstream market, CBD is widely available in a variety of forms — from oils and tinctures to topical creams and beverages. Lately, CBD has also made its way into the bedroom. The substance can be found in a variety of products, all aimed at helping to improve users’ sex lives. These products include:

  • personal lubricants
  • massage lotions
  • oral sprays
  • edibles

But can CBD really improve your sex life?

Here’s what you need to know about the science of CBD and sex, as well as the intimate experiences people have had with cannabidiol.

How CBD can help improve sex

Folks look to CBD for sex for a number of reasons, including pain from chronic conditionsTrusted Source like endometriosis.

Other reasons include:

  • increasing pleasure
  • easing stress and anxiety, including performance anxiety
  • setting the right mood

When it comes to issues of lubrication during sex, Alex Capano, medical director for Ananda Hemp and faculty member at the Lambert Center for the Study of Medicinal Cannabis and Hemp at Thomas Jefferson University, explains that CBD may help.

“There are so many cannabinoid receptors in reproductive organs and sexual tissue. CBD increases blood flow to tissues, which increases sensitivity and promotes the body’s own natural lubrications,” says Capano.

For individuals like Allison Wallis, CBD helps foster relaxation for sex. Wallis has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a condition that causes joint subluxations and severe muscle spasms. She explains that she’s experienced the benefits of CBD firsthand when she tried a lubricant infused with cannabidiol.

“It relaxes my muscles and allows for much more enjoyable sex,” she says, adding that the lube induces a “feeling of warmth and relaxation.”

“I was surprised by how well it worked. It allowed me to focus on the intimacy of the act instead of my muscle spasms.”

It’s hard to say just how many people are using CBD in the bedroom, but a recent survey of 5,398 Americans from Remedy Review, a website that focuses on CBD and natural health remedies, found that 9.3 percent of respondents have taken CBD for sex like sex gummies. The majority of those respondents said their orgasms were more intense after taking CBD.

What’s more, CBD might just put some people in the mood for romance. ResearchTrusted Source shows that CBD may be effective at reducing stress and anxiety. That relaxation can, in turn, reduce the distractions and worries that can hinder a positive sexual experience.

“There’s an important component of calming the mind and really focusing on enjoying,” says Capano.

“Especially for women in heterosexual couples, who often experience the pressure of needing to orgasm.”

While CBD doesn’t have psychoactive affects, it may boost your mood by enhancing a neurotransmitter called anandamideTrusted Source.

“Anandamide is our bliss neurotransmitter, and it’s also associated with oxytocin [also known as the ‘cuddle hormone’],” says Capano. “CBD helps increase the natural neurotransmitters and endorphins that we make on our own that ultimately lead to a better sexual experience.”

Magic Mushrooms: Their Species and Effects

The special properties of the mushroom pulp of some species have been known since ancient times. In the Aztec Empire, in the cities-states of the Maya, in the Chukchi Chumas, in the ancient Greek polities and Viking settlements, they knew well what hallucinogenic mushrooms look like, which were traditionally used to achieve altered states of consciousness. Priests and shamans especially often used such psychedelic practices. At the present time, studies have been conducted on the components involved, the side effects of hallucinogenic mushrooms and the consequences of their use have been determined.

Types of magic mushrooms 

Magic mushroom dispensary includes representatives of the fly agaric family and a number of laminae species containing psilocin and psilocybin. They are grouped under the category “psilocybin mushrooms” on this basis.

Psilocybe. 115 species of this genus of mushrooms contain hallucinogenic substances. Under natural conditions, they grow primarily in Central America, in open grassy areas, especially in manured pastures. The most researched psilocybe Cuban grows well under greenhouse conditions, retaining a pronounced psychoactivity. You can buy magic mushrooms online.

Fibers. Five species of these mushrooms, mostly deadly poisonous and difficult to identify, contain psilocybin. Only the blue-green fiber mushroom, which grows on the sandy soils of midland forests and parks from June through October, has not been found to be poisonous.

Gymnopilus. 14 species of inedible mushrooms with very bitter flesh contain, along with psilocybin, active substances with an intoxicating effect. Gymnopilus grow on stumps and deadwood of conifers. Fruits in the summer and fall.

Paneolus. These psilocybin mushrooms are inedible and mature from April to December in fertile manured soils, often directly in manure. The concentration of psilocybin and thus the hallucinogenic activity of these mushrooms ranges from low to medium.


Psilocin and psilocybin shroom microdosing have a short delay after consumption, lasting from 15-20 minutes to 2 hours. There is a characteristic wave-like tingling sensation throughout the body, there is a feeling of dizziness, anxiety, heightened perception of sound, taste, color, and light, distorted sense of space, time, movement, changing the usual picture of the world, the phenomenon of “going out of the body” is noted.

The general emotional tone of the experiences that these hallucinogenic mushrooms cause strongly depends on personal qualities and preconceptions. In the positive version, euphoria, a feeling of liberation and flight, and erotic attraction develop. Colors gain brightness, and hallucinations become unprecedentedly colorful. The negative psychedelic experience is associated with fits of rage, unbearable craving for violence, aggression, including against oneself, up to and including murder and suicide, paranoid delirium, and loss of consciousness. This is a state of unbearably severe nightmare from which it is impossible to escape of one’s own will until the effect of the mushroom hallucinogen is over.

The researchers note that psilocybin mushrooms are “strikingly non-toxic,” but their active ingredients, as laboratory experiments on animals have shown, can destroy the membranes of neurons.

Consequences of use 

Consumption of fly agaric mushrooms, along with their hallucinogenic effects, causes severe poisoning with severe symptoms and long-term consequences, which are expressed in significantly reducing blood clotting and nervous system disorders. Neurotoxin is not only muscarinic but also active hallucinogens – ibotenic acid and muscimol.

Psilocybin mushrooms have unpredictable effects – one cannot guarantee in advance only a positive emotional experience. At the same time, careful and well-controlled clinical trials that began in the 1950s and 1970s have shown that psilocybin provides positive results in the complex treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, and addiction and also provides relief in the final stages of cancer. At the same time, euphoric experiences can lead to “psilocybin” addiction, and in large quantities, the substance negatively affects brain function.

How To Use Cannabis Tinctures

First off – let’s talk “tinctures.” Tinctures are medications dissolved in a liquid. Many cannabis users imbibe via tinctures because they’re easy to take and dose. Plus, users don’t have to worry about the smell, and they receive the benefits of cannabis without having to smoke. What’s more, there are even some benefits to using tinctures vs edibles. A tincture of cannabinoids is often used to help with everyday concerns like stress, sleep trouble, discomfort, and low appetite, among other issues. Keep reading for a deeper look into how to use cannabis tinctures.

Check out this tincture product, Mota THC Sleep Tincture.         

What Is Cannabis Tincture?

Tincture is a liquid base with some kind of herb dissolved into it. Humans have used tinctures for thousands of years, and the practice runs back to the time of ancient Egypt. While some tinctures include alcohol as an ingredient, not all of them do. Instead, many use some kind of oil as a medium.

How to Use Cannabis Tinctures

A cannabis tincture comes in a small bottle with an eyedropper tool. Usually, the dropper tool comes marked with milliliter measurements. As a result, it’s incredibly easy to use. Just measure the amount of tincture of cannabinoids you want to use and drop it into your mouth. 

Tinctures are incredibly versatile, and offer two main routes of administration.

First, you can swallow tincture to absorb it through your digestive tract. This makes it function like a typical edible. Or, you can apply tincture directly beneath your tongue. Your body has a high concentration of blood vessels in this area, and the skin here is extremely thin. As a result, your body can absorb the tincture of cannabinoids directly into your blood. This second method is known as sublingual dosing.

How To Get Started With a THC Tincture Dose

Many people consume 1 milliliter (a full dropper) at a time, putting the dose under their tongue for 15 to 20 seconds. Your dosage amount may vary depending on your weight and the severity of your concerns. The under-the-tongue method allows your bloodstream to directly absorb cannabinoids, and the tincture has a nearly immediate effect on your body. To maximize the effects, wait at least 15 minutes to eat or drink anything.

Over time, the alcohol in some tinctures can lead to irritation. If you do not like the taste of alcohol, try diluting the tincture of cannabis in a small amount of water or juice. Fortunately, the possible irritation and potentially unpleasant taste are generally the only downsides to cannabis tinctures.

Some people prefer to add their tinctures to meals or snacks via sauces, soups, salad dressings or sherbets. Similarly, you can add one or two droppers’ worth of tincture to a glass of water. That turns the water into tea. These methods are not as instantaneous as the under-the-tongue approach, but they work. The timeframe with orally-consumed cannabis tinctures is akin to that of regular edibles. The effects take longer to kick in, but they can last for hours.

The bottom line is that tinctures offer you choice. If you need instant relief, dose under your tongue. If you prefer for the effects to last a while and do not need immediate relief, take your dose with food or liquid.


The Elements Used

Delta-8 carts are manufactured using various elements to improve taste, effectiveness, and durability. However, these elements determine the Delta-8 cart’s durability. Consider vape carts with organic ingredients to avoid chemical reactions that would lessen their shelf-life. Confirming the elements before storing your Delta-8 cart for more than five months is always prudent.

Purity Levels

If you are concerned about the shelf-life of your delta-8 cart, its purity is an important factor to consider. It might not be wise to rely on the purity levels posted on the labels since they could be misleading. The most effective way of affirming the purity levels is by accessing the COA’s report. Avoid Delta-8 pens with chemical solvents and heavy metals since their reaction can make them go bad faster than you thought.

How To Store Your Delta-8 Cart Correctly

To make your delta 8 cart last long, store them in the following ways;

Away From Light

Most people store their Delta-8 carts near windows, which isn’t safe at all. Trofin et al. (2012) noted that too much light, especially from the sun, might heat your vape, degrading its quality, potency levels, and shelf-life. This also applies to artificial light. If you are storing your cart in the fridge, avoid keeping it near the door, especially if it is for frequent use. The safest place to store your Delta-8 vape cart is somewhere dark.

Keep It Away From Heat

Confirm that where you have stored, your Delta-8 cart is away from household electronics. As mentioned, exposing your cart to too much heat degrades its quality levels and shelf life. Heat shifts the chemical formulation of most elements. This also has an impact on the potency levels, as suggested by Weednews (2022).

Where To Keep Your Delta-8 Cart

Some of the safest places to store your carts are;

In Cool and Dry Places

Extreme temperatures affect the quality of your Delta-8 vape cart. Too much heat or extremely low temperatures leads to the deformation of chemical compounds. Keeping your Delta-8 cart in extremely cold and open conditions can attract mold. Besides, as noted easier, extremely hot conditions lead to chemical compound deformations, lowering effectiveness and potency levels or shelf-life.

Keep it Air Tight Containers

Ensure you close your vape cart after taking several hits. Benhaim (2003) concluded that leaving cannabis products open results in the interaction of the cart with oxygen. This results in oxidation which alters the chemical formulation lowering its shelf-life. Delta-8 carts have lids that should be tightly closed after each vaping lowering interaction with the air.

How Do I Determine The Best Delta-8 Cart?

If you wish to make Delta-8 effective for therapeutic or recreational use, there are various factors to consider while choosing the best. Some of the tips to use in the market are;

COA’s Report

Avoid Delta-8 vapes without COA’s report since they are likely to be contaminated. If you buy from the nearest store, always scan the QR codes on the packaging, ensuring you can access them. If the brand has made them accessible, check the following two things;

Potency Levels

Various hemp-based producers have been offering wrong potency levels on their labels. This puts their customers at a higher risk of overdosing on THC. The FDA has conflicted with such brands since they don’t consider customers’ safety. Avoid Delta-8 manufacturers that constantly receive warnings from the FDA since such brands are even likely to lie about the ingredients. As a result, you might abuse marijuana rather than take a hemp-based Delta-8 cart. If the potency variance exceeds 10%, avoid them.

Purity Levels

Delta-8 is likely to be contaminated at the extraction or processing stage. The most recommended method of obtaining THC crude oil from organic hemp is by CO2. Unlike ethanol exposing your extracts to chemical solvents, CO2 minimizes the chances of contamination of Delta-8 cart and the environment, as suggested by Todd Giuseppe (2022).

Although you might successfully extract THC without contamination, the processing stage is critical. Processing of Delta-8 vape juice involves chemicals and heavy metals that risk contamination. At this stage, chemical solvents and heavy metals can get into the products. You wouldn’t wish to consume either for your safety. To ensure you are avoiding them, always confirm the actual purity levels from the lab results.

Also check out other Delta 8 products like, delta 8 chocolates and hhc cartridge.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The 3 Types of Cannabis Seeds You Need to Know

If you plan to grow your own plants, proper research is required. Before determining your seed's growth environment and medium, choosing it's seed comes first. For growers, there are three different cannabis seed types available: Regular, Feminimized, and Auto-flower. But what are they, and is one more advantageous than the other? Below we'll briefly discuss each one, so you'll know which seeds are best for you. 


Production of regular seeds occurs between a male and a female. As a result, you won't know your plant's gender until flowering begins. If your objective is to yield quality buds that offer cannabinoids, you'll need to seperate the males from the females. 

Segregation of genders prevents pollination (impressively spreading from 3 to 3.75 miles) and the production of seeds. Male plants are typically discarded due to being incapable of producing flowers that produce cannabinoids. Due to a lack of cannabinoids, the end product generally isn’t not worth-while to consumers. 

Male plants, however, do possess other various benefits. For one, male plants produce a soft material that is useful for the production of hemp. Hemp products such as clothing, shoes, and general household products require soft and durable fiber which males provide. Male plants can also produce aromatic oils, highly beneficial in the garden for pest control.  


  • 100% pure as they're not genetically altered
  • Produce both genders, allowing for the creation of new seeds
  • No chemical agents in regular seeds unlike feminized seeds
  • Seeds can be used for other purposes such as hemp production

How to Determine Your Cannabis's Plants Sex

Identifying a plant's gender generally comes at around the4-6 week mark into the growth cycle. As the plant transitions into a flower from its vegetative stage, energy is primarily used for pollination and reproduction. 

When looking for sex indicators, cultivators can check between the plant's nodes. Plant nodes are located on the stem, where the buds are. Check nodes to find the growth of small sacs or two bracts. Pollen sacs are developed on a male plant, spreading seeds and stigma for females. 

Feminized Cannabis Seeds

As mentioned prior, for growers looking for highly concentrated forms of cannabis, female plants are ideal. Unfertilized females, instead of reproducing, will utilize their energy to produce rich cannabinoids known as Sensimilla. These resinous buds are highly concentrated forms of cannabis, typically seen in stores. 


For practical purposes that simplify things for the grower, feminized seeds are also superior. As growing and removing male plants is a non-issue, growers won't need to grow twice as many. Not only does this save time and costs, but you'll also be able to maximize your growing space. However, if you intend to grow new seeds, feminized seeds prevent the production of male plants. 


  • Female Plants produce Sensimilla, responsible for consumer-friendly weed products. 
  • Make the most of your growing space by germinating seeds required. 
  • Saves time and work on removing male plants
  • No sexing is necessary, which can be challenging for first-timers 

Auto-flower Seeds

For first-timers peering through the curtain into growing cannabis, auto-flower seeds is a good choice. Once plants reach a particular stage (usually ten weeks in), they will begin to flower. An auto-flower seed's growth requires only a minimal amount of sunlight to finish its life cycle. For growers, this saves time and simplifies the process. Instead of allocating several hours of daylight and darkness to their plant, they can relax and let the plant develop independently. 

This seed type is a mix of modern-day strains with Cannabis Ruderalis, a species from Russia. Cannabis Ruderalis is among two other subtypes of cannabis, with the others being Indica and Sativa. As this cannabis plant is located in areas with shorter summers, ruderalis plants bloom faster with less sunlight. 

This seed type is recommended to new growers, due to lower-maintenance needs and a faster growth time. Autoflowering is also renowned for its resiliency, boasting sturdy and robust genetics. So while growing in your backyard, they'll be able to handle insect infestations and mold. 


  • Requires minimal daylight, easing plant scheduling for owners
  • Grows at a faster pace
  • A durable plant that can fend itself against typical issues seen in gardens

This gives you the basics in knowing about the 3 different types of cannabis seeds that you might choose from. 

Check out best online seeds.

How to Start Cannabis from Seeds

When deciding how to start cannabis plants, growing from seed is a popular option for cultivators who want a clean slate.

Starting from seed boasts many benefits, including preventing pests from hitchhiking over from the mother plant, establishing stronger root systems, and setting yourself up for easier and cheaper storage and transport. 

So how do you start from seed? Check out this how-to guide and our tips for successful starts!

How to Start from Seed

Pick the right seed for you!

    1. Choose between auto-flowering or photoperiod seeds. Autoflowering seeds make the switch to the flowering phase automatically, while photoperiod seeds need their light cycle changed to shift to flowering.

    2. Choose between feminized or regular seeds. 9 times out of 10, feminized seeds produce female plants, but for this reason they can be much more expensive. 

    3. Choose your strain. There are many out there with different terpene profiles, grow times, and THC/CBD concentrations. 

    4. Choose healthy seeds. Seeds that are hard, dark, and have some light striping are a perfect choice! If the seed is soft or green, it is likely underdeveloped and may not produce a plant at all.

    5.Place your seed in a paper towel-lined container and mist with room temperature water. Keep the paper towel damp but not soaked by misting every few hours. Store in a warm place until the seed germinates!

    6. When the seed breaks and the root starts to show, transfer it to a small starter pot or propagation tray with your desired growing medium. You’ll have little sprouts in no time!

Tips for Successful Seedlings

Store seeds in a plastic bag in the fridge before starting them. This mimics the winter dormancy period!

Consider soaking your seeds in a glass of water for up to 12 hours before moving them to the container for germination. 

Seeds that sink are more likely to sprout than seeds that float.

Add some rooting solution or hydrogen peroxide to your soak to encourage root growth.

A room temperature of about 72 degrees F is best for germination.

Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow

When starting cannabis, choosing how to do it comes down to many factors, including personal preference, grow space, and time between harvests. We hope this guide to starting from seed comes in handy when you’re deciding how to grow! 

Check out best online seeds.

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